District Departments » ELL, SPED, Student Services, Counseling, GT » Gifted and Talented

Gifted and Talented

About Gifted and Talented
LISA Academy is committed to implementing a program that meets the unique social, emotional, and intellectual needs of gifted and talented students through the collaboration of students, educators, parents and community members that ensures opportunities for maximum growth and development for lifelong success.
Advanced Opportunities for Student Success
Check out the opportunities LISA Academy offers its students to succeed through Gifted and Talented enrichment.
Any 3rd - 12th grade students may be nominated at any time by Parent(s), Teacher(s) and Other Professional Personnel. Nominations are sought from a wide variety of sources to ensure that all potentially gifted and talented students have an opportunity to be considered. 

Students may be nominated using the Gifted and Talented Referral Form
Data are collected (on the nominated students) to aid in making decisions for selection of students who are in need of special education services. Testing is ongoing, but serving currently identified students is each GT Coordinator's first responsibility. We appreciate your patience during the nomination and testing process. 
Student’s percentiles and scores from the assessment instruments are plotted on the student profile. Each student’s profile is individually evaluated by the Gifted/Talented Committee. A student clearly qualifies for Gifted/Talented services if the data on the profile meets the criteria. Parents are notified about the G/T Committee decision in writing. Placement of students is made in an appropriate program option.
Check out some of the resources below for more information on supporting Gifted and Talented learners: 
  • Arkansas Department of Elementary and Secondary Education's Gifted and Talented Services website
  • A Different Place has a variety of differentiated activities across content areas. It is full of resources and also has a section for parents and kids.
  • Internet4Classrooms  has interactive websites grouped by grade level (K-8) and content area.
  • KidPort is an interactive site for students K-8 across content areas
  •  The Odyssey of the Mind offers many ideas to foster creative thinking in your classroom. The “Practice Problems” and “Classroom Activities” sections could be used with all of your students.
  • Hoagies Gifted provides information on the special needs of gifted youth, special programs available, and other topics in gifted education. Children will find contests, reading lists, and entertaining activities. This site has something for everyone.
  • EdWeek has articles about gifted education
  • Exquisite Minds has online resources for gifted students.
  •  Gifted Study has Programs for gifted and talented youth, ages 5-17