Meet LISA Academy » Parents » Parent Logins

Parent Logins


The Home Access Center (HAC) is a program that allows parents/guardians to view their child's school information over the Internet. If you used the system last year, your username and password should not have changed. 

  • Parent/guardian usernames are typically first initial.last name.  For example John Karnes username would be j.karnes

  • If a parent/guardian has logged into HAC before but does not remember the password, click the forgot password link.  The HAC username or email address can be entered to reset the password.

  • If a parent/guardian did not receive his/her username and initial password, please contact the front office of your child's school. 

  • Please remember that your password is case-sensitive!

DOWNLOAD THE eSchoolPlus Family App (MUST USE ZIP CODE 72211 to use Mobile)
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*For your access code reach out to the front desk of your child's school or Dean of Academics and create your account here
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